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Thursday, June 16, 2011

2011 Primary Program

I just put the finishing touches on our 2011 Primary Program.

If you are interested in seeing a copy, shoot me an email at camillescasa(at)yahoo(dot)com and I will send over the word doc.


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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Coupon Attack Continues . . .

I'm still determined to stock up my pantry in 3 months, but this week wasn't anything miraculous. There were good deals on things like cake mixes, brownie mixes, frosting and sugar cereals, but I passed them by. I didn't pass my glucose test for gestational diabetes, so I'm not eating sugar for 3 months. (Well, I will avoid sugar as much as possible, let's be real:)

My first stop was at Staples. I'd never couponed there before, but I will be back.

2 rolls Scotch tape, FREE (reg. $1.99 each) = 0

2 packs colorful pens, .35 cents each (reg. $3.99 each) = .70 cents

Albertsons was good to me also.

1 pkg. Dananino yogurt, .49 (reg. $2.49) = .49 cents

1 bottle Garnier Fructis shampoo, .50 (reg. $2.50)= .50 cents

2 pkgs. Lance Sandwich Crackers, FREE (reg. 2.75)= 0

And let's not forget Kohls. I loooove Kohls, they have the cutest jewelry and little boy clothes. I got this super fun necklace, regular price $22 for .85 cents. Wa pow!

So, I spent $2.50 on all the above items

And I saved $39.20 this week.

(But, let me be honest, I wouldn't have bought that necklace for $22, well maybe in my former life as a rich/carefree single girl, but not now. I wouldn't have bought expensive yogurt or the crackers. I only got the tape since it was free, I will use it, but it's not like essential. So, not my best week, but still fun to score some freebies.)

And what am I up to this week? I'm getting these beans ready to be turned into the yummiest beef and bean taco meat you've ever tried. I'm documenting with photos as I go, but be watching for my post on how to make beans so your family will eat them!

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Attack of the coupons

I've been a casual couponer for the last couple of years, I've even posted several of my great deals on this blog. Well, I've decided that I need to go a little crazy this summer with coupons. This winter was my husband's shop's worst ever. No really, he was one of the only guys not laid off, and his paychecks were sometimes half of what we normally get. We used almost every bit of food storage that we had, and it's a good thing we had it. Now that it's summer and they are busy again I feel it's very important to stock up and get my pantry shelves full again.

So, my goal is to stock my entire pantry and garage shelves in 3 months. I'm having a baby in 3 months, and that's usually when the extra overtime pay stops. I want canned food, cereals, pastas, flour and things like that, but I also want to stock up on toilet paper, kleenex, paper towels, ziploc bags, everything we use.

I've never subscribed to the paper before, but I bought a 3 month subscription last week. For $17 a month I get a daily paper and 5 sunday papers. This is so if there's a good deal I get it 5 times instead of just once. I've invested $51 in this, so I need to save waaay more than that to make it worth it. Here is what I've done so far:

10 boxes of Ronzoni pasta from Albertsons, .15 cents each (reg. 2.17) = $1.50

1 Gillete fusion razor from Walgreens .89 cents (reg 9.89) = $ .89

Saved: $29.20

Spent: $2.39

Not bad for one week. I will check back in and let you know how I'm doing. Food storage in 3 months!!

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Last-minute Lesson Series

I want to share some of my favorite last-minute lessons. It's a reality in primary right, nobody prepared sharing time, there's 10 minutes leftover, piano player is sick, or teachers or subs are no-shows. I've been in primary for 4 years now, and I've learned to keep a stash of simple/fun lessons in my bag. These work for simple sharing times and can be adapted to a longer class time or even use in Family Home Evening.

Here are the first in my series of last-minute lessons. Enjoy!

Lesson: Establish a House (D&C 88:119)

This lesson is fun for all ages, and you can really challenge the older kids to memorize the scripture. The younger kids, of course, love to color the picture. I have one printed on cardstock, colored and cut into a puzzle. We search the room for the hidden pieces, put it together, and talk about each piece. Handout the house coloring page and color. Simple!

Click here for the blank house coloring page.

Lesson: Jonah and the Big Fish

This is another fun lesson, especially for the younger kiddos. You can tell or read the story of Jonah, and I use my colored cardstock cutouts for this. Make sure to cut a little slit up the whale's mouth so Jonah can really go inside. Talk about courage, faith and being obedient, sing Follow the Prophet and handout the coloring page. A winner!

Click here to download printable Jonah page.

Lesson: 3 Card Match (Easter Version)

This is a fun concept, and you can use it for many subjects, this one happens to be for Easter. The game is called 3-card-match, it's easy enough for little kids, but I find my senior primary gets in to it the most. Print off the cards, there are 2 of each picture to the Easter story. I use the music stand to play, but you could also use a flannel board or chalkboard. Place 3 cards face down, one child gets a chance to turn over 2 cards, their goal is to get a match. If they don't get a match, turn them over, make a show about mixing them up and it's another child's turn. If they match, take those cards out, tell that part of the story, and add more cards to the game. You can compete girls/boys, teachers/kids, classes, or just have them try to match them as a group.

You could make a fun set of cards for missionary work, temples, prophets, a million fun topics. I find that 11 or 12 matches takes the time. For younger children when they get a match you can tell that part of the story, for senior primary I make them tell ME the part of the story before getting the point.

Click here to print the 3 Card Match Easter Game. (It's 6 pages, be patient, and you'll want to print on cardstock)

If you have a favorite last minute lesson to share, or have questions or suggestion please leave a comment or contact me at camillescasa(at)yahoo(dot)com

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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Knit-Zilla Show-off

Ok, so there's nothing better than a box on your porch. I've been waiting excitedly for this cutie-pie for a while and it's finally here!!

I entered a giveaway at Knit-Zilla and I won!! It is so tiny, soft and adorable. Lori is so talented, the stitches are perfect and I can't wait until there's a tiny baby inside that sweater!

This is the back view, the zipper goes up the hoodie, clever huh?

Lori at Knit-Zilla is kind of amazing, I mean, I can only BUY stuff that looks this good.

Here is a rug she did. Looove!

Here are the same back-zip hoodies that I won. Isn't the pink one perfect?

And the cutest kiddie hats for Easter. Go check out Knit-Zilla and be on the lookout for her next giveaway, you can't let me win them all:) (Although I will try . . . .)

Thanks Lori, I love it!

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