The sharing time outline mentions 5 scriptures to go along with 5 word strips, I decided to use firecrackers. I will hide them around the room, and as they are found we will read the scripture and talk about how Jesus did the work of Heavenly Father.
Moses 4:2
Luke 22:42
3 Nephi 27:13
John 6:38
John 4:34
Fireworks are much cooler if there are TONS of them, so I'm going to have the children each make their own firecracker. On the firecracker the children will write something they can do to follow Jesus Christ's example of obeying Heavenly Father's commandments. They will share their answers and put them on board together for our grand firework display. (but take them home after!)
Here are the firecrackers in black and white. I might just print them on colored paper to save ink:) These jpegs don't print well for some of you, so if you have any troubles just email me and I can send over the pdfs.
Also, we have a boy in our junior primary who is extra boisterous and disruptive. I am going to ask him to make a big firework "boom" every time we find one of the firecrackers. I'm hoping this will channel his loudness into the lesson and make it a little more fun. I'll tell him he has to be quiet and watch closely for as soon as they find the firecracker so he can be a really good firework:)