Thursday, May 27, 2010

Trapped in my Kitchen!

Yes, it's true, I've been trapped in my kitchen. It's been a busy month and I just hate those days where we have 15 minutes for dinner, so it's either a drive-thru or a sandwich. Last week I'd had enough, and vowed to lock myself in the kitchen until I had my freezer stocked with freezer dinners. Phew!

I spent about $40 on ingredients and my freezer is delicious-ly full. I took tons of pictures and wrote down recipes as I went for my readers. Coming soon!

I still have a few more meals to go, but here's a preview:

Meatballs (I made 160 of them, for spaghetti, sweet n sour, meatball subs, bbq, etc.)

Baked Ziti (Oh, amazing! In a foil pan ready to pop in the oven, made 2, ate 1!)

Pizza Braid (Garlic Breadsticks and pizza all in one cheesy pile, I made 6 of these.)

Pizza Bites (Mini, easy and cook in 15 minutes. Serve w/ a salad and it's perfect.)

Mini Meatloaf (in a muffin tin, already cooked, reheat and serve with potatoes.)

Spaghetti Sauce (Chunky tomatoes, sausage, green pepper, mushrooms, garlic, etc.)

And thanks to this sweet thrift store find - a play kitchen for $5! A "boy" play kitchen, so my little man can help me cook - phew!

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  1. newest follower from Women Who Do It All :):) I am a new blogger and could do with some new friends!

  2. Cute little boy!
    Loved the fruit pancake idea :)
    Happy Sunday follow!
    Following your blog, come follow too and say hi :)
