Thursday, April 22, 2010

Pulled Pork Sandwiches

Oh beautiful for pulled pork sandwiches! Especially drenched in BBQ sauce right? It seems like summer no matter what month you make these.

For my easy directions on slow-cooked pulled pork click here.

First, let me say that the delicious-ness of your pulled pork sandwich relates directly to the quality of the bread you serve it on. Don't go lame and whip out wonder bread or even hamburger buns. Buy the fanciest rolls your favorite bakery has. I bought some delicious rolls from Albertsons bakery, not the cheapest, but sooo worth it! Walmart even has some yummy looking varieties, so don't be shy. Split the rolls, butter them lightly, then toast them on a skillet.

Husband Rating: 5 stars (and yes, we had them for dinner once and lunch twice this week!)

2 cups shredded pork

1/2 cup your favorite BBQ sauce

4 bakery rolls

Stir together BBQ sauce and pork in a skillet until warmed. Place a heaping spoonful on toasted buns. Serve with lots of napkins:)

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1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy Camille! Thanks for adding it to my linky!
